With this post, we conclude documenting the activities in The Project Manager’s Cycle, the Monitoring and Controlling activities that the project manager performs each reporting cycle for the life of the project. All of these activities (with the exception of the Client Project Meeting) build each week to the Project Status Report (PSR). The PSR encapsulates all of the information the Sponsor/Client/Owner and all Stakeholders need into a compact package.
The PSR should document both the current status of the project (in summary) and progress since the last report. The essential elements of the PSR include an Executive Summary, Accomplishments, Planned Accomplishments (in the next reporting period), Deliverable/Approval Status, Change Request Status, and Issues. Accomplishments and Planned Accomplishments are reported relative to the plan (project management is the classic example of Management by Objectives).
Note that traffic lights ( Red, Yellow, Green) are not in my list of essential elements of the PSR. I am ambivalent about them. When used properly they are often valuable, but they are even more often used improperly. If you use traffic lights, the meaning of each color must be defined clearly and all of the stakeholders reading the PSR must know what each color means. Further, a single light is really not meaningful. After all, the ultimate purpose of the lights is to show where external action is needed and one broad status doesn’t provide the specificity needed. Rather, what I’ve seen that works best are lights representing Schedule, Scope, Budget, Resources, and Closure/Acceptance repeated for each project phase or (preferably) each deliverable.
The PSR is probably the most important document the PM produces and I can’t cover all of the nuances in one post, so expect to see more on other elements of the PSR in the future.
Do you have a project status report best practice to share? How about a PSR disaster?
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